Hypnotherapy for Good Health

“Surgical patients in hypnosis treatment groups had better outcomes than 89% of patients in control groups.”
Source: The Effectiveness of Adjunctive Hypnosis with Surgical Patients: A Meta-Analysis by Montgomery, Guy H. PhD and others published in The Journal of Anesthesia & Analgesia, in 2002)
Hypnosis is very successfully used in the treatment of a wide variety of medical conditions, ranging from:
Physiological disorders
- pain
- burns
- headaches
- hypertension
- asthma
- allergies
- gastrointestinal disorders
- skin diseases
- immune-related diseases
Psychological disorders
- anxiety disorders
- trauma and stress-related disorders
- somatic symptoms disorders
- feeding and eating disorders
- sleep disorders
- disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders
- substance-related and addictive disorders
- neurocognitive disorders
- personality disorders
For a full list of the specific conditions that I can help you with please see the Treatments section
Liviu helped me with my IBS. After nearly 15 years of suffering I’m a new, different man. Feeling good at last! I wish I’d met him years ago. My life would’ve been infinitely better.
Hanno, Art Dealer, 55
I can sleep…! Some nights for 6 hours, some nights for 8, but I’ve been getting regular sleep ever since I saw Liviu two months ago. It’s great. I couldn’t sleep properly for nearly 3 years. The medication was affecting me badly. I was depressed, resentful and my relationship with my son was in pieces. Today I am medication free, depression free and sleep soundly at night. I have my son and my life back.
Ken, 49, Accountant
I was suffering from anxiety and panic attacks due to the passing of my closest friend. The CBT offered by the NHS wasn’t really working out and after six sessions my GP recommended I try hypnotherapy. Liviu helped me get rid of my fears. Thank you so much.
Luke, 40, TV Director
DISCLAIMER: I’m sure you will appreciate that no two clients are the same, and results may vary from client to client. Success will depend on a number of factors, including your motivation and your responsiveness to hypnosis. In common with other reputable hypnotherapists we cannot guarantee success with every single client.