that is holding you back.
Step into the new story
you are willing to create

"One day you are going to
look back at this and laugh."
My question is: Why wait?

foundational key
to all success.
How I Can Help You
Hello! I'm Liviu Tipurita
I’m experienced in helping people overcome a wide range of emotional and personal problems.
I help people live fully and I am happy to help you, too.
Book now to see me in person or via Skype or Zoom.
How Effective Is Hypnosis?
types of therapy and found:
38% Recovery after
600 Sessions
72% Recovery after
22 Sessions
93% Recovery after
6 Sessions
What I Offer
Clinical Hypnosis
Clinical hypnosis, often commonly referred to as suggestion hypnosis is a therapy that has been proven effective in a variety of medical and psychological problems.
It’s been recognised that more than 85 per cent of people will readily respond to clinical hypnotherapy.
Positive suggestions made to your unconscious mind are highly effective and can give immediate results for issues such as:
- Blushing
- Breaking Habits
- Burns
- Burnout
- Concentration
- Confidence boosts
- Cravings
- Childbirth
- Creativity
- Desensitization
- Exams
- Exhaustion
- Focus
- Healing
- Immune System Boost
- Memory Improvement
- Pain Relief & Management
- Performance Nerves
- Procrastination
- Public Speaking
- Self-Image
- Self-control
- Sexual Issues
- Skin Problems
- Sleep Issues
- Smoking Cessation
- Stamina
- Relaxation
- Weight loss
- Worry
- Writer’s Block
Hypnotic Suggestion is normally used for immediate, short-term fixes.
For longer term goals, Analytical Hypnotherapy is more beneficial.
I often use a combination of the two therapies to help create long-lasting positive changes.

Analytical Hypnotherapy is a very powerful form of hypnotherapy. It is one of the best methods in the world for treating emotional, psychological or anxiety-related problems, such as:
- Depression
- Fears
- Panic attacks
- Phobias
- Stress
- Eating Disorders
- Lack of Confidence
- Relationship Issues
- Sexual Problems
- Performance Issues
- Sleep disorders
- Addictions
Hypno-analysis requires more sessions than suggestion therapy. It allows you to discover, confront and resolve the real, underlying cause of your problem. It aims to give you a powerful and effective emotional ‘clear-out’.
Analytical Hypnotherapy can set you free from the old feelings and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back for a long time.
It can change your life significantly in a short space of time. Many clients who have had their particular problem resolved in hypno-analysis experience a much larger transformation in their lives, becoming freer, lighter, happier.
I suggest that the first hypno-analysis session should be a 2-hour appointment as this gives us time to go through all the key background details in full.
Time Line Therapy®
Time Line Therapy® (TLT) is a very powerful and fast therapeutic process that evolved from hypnosis and NLP.
It was developed by applying a therapeutic process to the concept that we store our memories in a linear manner, in an internal memory storage system.
Time Line Therapy® uses your own internal ‘time line’ by working with your unconscious mind to:
- heal emotional traumas
- eliminate unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviours
- design and create the future that you want
Using Time Line Therapy® I can help you produce long-lasting positive changes very quickly and easily.
Gain freedom from your past. Plan and achieve the future that you want.
The methods used in Time Line Therapy® were designed by Tad James, M.S., Ph.D.
Past-Life Regression (PLR)
If you do believe in reincarnation, and you’re dealing with an unfathomable issue, Past Life Regression Therapy can be of great help to you.
If you’re unsure about reincarnation, but would like to explore PLR, you are very welcome. PLR can not only satisfy your curiosity, it can sometimes make a real difference to your life now.
It’s important that I come clean from the start. For me personally, the jury is still out on reincarnation. In my hypnotherapeutic work, I came across evidence that both supports it and maintains a question mark over it.
However, irrespective of whether or not past lives exist, based on my direct experience I am sure of one thing – there is a great deal of therapeutic value in PLR.
Years ago I was sceptical, distrustful and, yes, I’ll admit it, even a little bit fearful of PLR. But when I finally experienced it myself during my hypnotherapy training, it helped me a great deal. It gave me an unexpected new perspective on life, and a certain lightness. It’s the reason I offer it to my clients.

I am happy to report that over the years, many of my clients who chose to undergo PLR benefited from it in a variety of ways:
- Disappearance of pains and physical issues that could not be medically explained
- Clearance of emotional stress, trauma, feelings of fear, anxiety and depression
- Healing of troubled relationships, or immediate termination of long, toxic relationships
- Understanding & changing unhelpful and limiting behaviours, patterns and tendencies
- Healing of persistent skin problems
- Gaining calmness, confidence and optimism
- Panic attacks stopped
If you would like to explore PLR, I recommend a 2-hour session to give yourself the necessary time to experience it properly.
I know you probably don’t believe in past lives and reincarnation. I remember the bit about the therapeutic value which you said both before and after the session. However, for me it’s been an incredible experience that confirmed what I’ve always thought – that there’s more to the relationships in my life, particularly to my relationship with (…)..I’m so glad that I finally plucked the courage to do this regression…It’s been incredible and I want to do it again… See you soon!
Gabriela, 36, Makeup Artist
Online Sessions
Online video sessions are becoming popular for Hypnotherapy. I am happy to offer you this option if it’s more convenient.
For successful online sessions you need the following:
- A stable internet connection
- Access to a computer, tablet or phone with a webcam
- A Skype/Facetime account or email address for Zoom
- Somewhere comfortable to have the session, where you will not be interrupted and can concentrate
- Privacy
- The use of headphones, or a headset is recommended

Live Fully!
Make an appointment now
+44(0)7707 289 228
Skype/Zoom Sessions Available
Request Appointment
To request an appointment with Liviu, please provide your contact information by filling out the form below